Hot Fish Global forms long term relationships with our clients as we guide you through the technology, internet and e-commerce maze. We help you make informed decisions regarding the direction of your business. We are actually doing this….we don’t just talk about it.
We recognise that no one can understand the heart of your business better than you, and so we want to partner with you to find solutions that are marketing, business and customer focused, and not technology driven.
Generally, we will prioritise with you a planned, staged, technology rollout, so that each progressive phase works jointly as well as independently. And works with your budget.
At all times we hold ourselves completely accountable to you. We will set real goals, and together we will measure the effectiveness of your investment through all phases of development and implementation.
“Courtesy, Modesty, Integrity, Perseverance and Self Control are what we as a team admire the most”.
Hot Fish Global is a wholly owned Australian company, our professional services offer is a unique integration of strategy, technology, creative implementation, solutions and investments, making it possible for us to add significant value to our client companies as they quickly establish a commanding presence using technology.
From the beginning, we recognised the importance of forming alliances with leading companies such as Hewlett Packard, Incosys, EMI, Bank of Scotland, and Veracicom in the US, thus leveraging the expertise and contacts gained through our network of portfolio companies. We provide experience and resources needed to guide companies online with managed reduced risk, and increased measures of success.